Monday, May 28, 2012

La Choza

My quest to find the perfect milk and yogurt in Buenos Aires is over; La Choza has it hands down. Thick, natural yogurt and delicious full cream milk, and when paired with some organic granola it makes my weekday breakfasts a breeze. 

I get my La Choza fix at El Galpon organic/hippie market in Chacarita, open Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cine Premier

The delightfully vintage Cine Premier at number 1565 Avenida Corrientes, was the perfect place to see Oscar-winning film The Artist.  Only a handfull of people, a black and white silent movie and the faint sound of the film reel projecting its image onto the big screen. Cinema heaven.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Colour and Chaos

Chaotic, old, dirty, colourful, vibrant... the city of Buenos Aires always has something to you show.